Monday, March 21, 2011

Changing the World

Those of you who read my blog fairly regularly know that I also write for Natural News as a Citizen Journalist.  Recently, I wrote an article about Biointensive Gardening.  In January, I went to a local workshop on this method of mini-farming here in my community and I got excited.  Why?  Because it appears to be a way to sustain the planet.  The method focuses on sustainable agriculture, and it mainly focuses on mini-farms, that is, backyard gardens that you and I can grow ourselves.  What excited me about this method is that we can use less space and less water, yet grow more in a sustainable, healthier environment.  I plan to begin gardening this way this year, and I have, in fact, started my compost pile (not the way I used to but following the method I learned in the workshop).  I have since purchased organic seeds and planned my entire season; I will begin growing seeds indoors in about two weeks.  Since Vegi Lover deals on occasion with our impact on the environment, I thought this might be a good forum in which to share this info.  If time permits, I will probably also be blogging about my ventures in this new realm.  I think it promises to be fun!

If you'd like to read the article on Natural News (which provides more information about Biointensive gardening), you can click on this link: 

Biointensive Agriculture Could Save the Planet

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